9:19 PM

Come Check Out Miracle School

Miracle School is open to any and all visitors. Next week I'll be teaching on signs and wonders. We'll be talking about how easy it is to do the same things that Jesus did and then demonstrate it right in class. So, if you'd like to join us Monday night, feel free. We meet at 6:30 at the Old Town Guesthouse. We'd love to have you!

The 2nd quarter of Miracle School which is focused
on the Holy Spirit starts April 6th.

Q2 Classes Include:

Meet the Holy Spirit
Intimacy with God
Hearing the Voice of God
Dunamis Power
Baptism by Fire
The Fruit of the Spirit
Being Led by the Spirit
The Anointing
Gifts of the Spirit I
Gifts of the Spirit II
Gifts of the Spirit III
Prophetic Prayer and Tongues
The Glory of God


(Includes directions to the Old Town Guesthouse)