Something exciting came out of our staff meeting today. We've decided to start publishing a "word of the week" email. It will basically be a short and sweet word from the Lord that we'll send out each week to uplift and encourage people. If you'd like to subscribe to our email list, click here. We'll be starting the emails next week so be sure you're signed up!
About the Ministry
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Word of the Week Archive
Here's the new calendar of events for June.
Please note, we'll be holding a Healing Boot Camp on June 6th at the Old Town Guesthouse and the Healing Rooms are open on Thursdays form 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Please note, the Miracle School trip to the International House of Prayer is scheduled for June 11-14, so we won't have a corporate prayer conference call or healing rooms that Thursday.
The other day I was seeking the Lord for wisdom regarding my life and this is what I heard...
"Relinquish self-conceived ideas about what your life should be and completely yield to me. Allow Me to paint and create your life. Give me a blank canvas and allow Me to paint My design for your life on it. I have a tailor made plan and desire for your life and I want the freedom to create it into what I want it to be. You must continue to seek Me for the blueprint for your life because I am the only one that knows it. And I alone can build it. I am the only one that knows the thoughts and the plans that I have for you. I hold them, I created them, and they belong to Me. Allow Me to reveal them to You by My Spirit as you continue to spend time in My presence."
Come closer
Come closer
Draw nigh unto Me my bride
Enter into our chambers, our secret place
- Your place of peace
- Your place of rest
- Your place of provision
- Your place of healing
Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden
Allow Me to heal every broken place
And bring beauty for ashes
Allow Me to place My hands upon your eyes
And shine My glory into your heart
I am ready willing and able
To do what you call impossible
I change the hearts of men
I make murderers into champions
And turn prostitutes into preachers
Your brokenness is nothing
but an opportunity for Me to glory
So come to Me my bride, come close,
So close that you can feel My breath
It's the breath of life and will make you whole
The Pike's Peak Prayer & Healing Center healing rooms opened last Thursday night at The Old Town Guesthouse! We had the opportunity to pray for over a dozen people and the presence of God was glorious. We'll be praying for people every Thursday night from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., so if you or someone you know is in need of prayer or healing, stop by. We'd love to join our faith with yours. For more information, please download the flyer here.