How many of you know that God's will for our lives is not automatic. So many people think God can do anything. While it is true that all things are possible with God. We must realize that we have a part to play and that what we do will ultimately determine if it's possible of not. What you may ask? God is in control of everything. Well actually he's not. He delegated control of the earth to men.
When God said, "let them have dominion" in Genesis 1:26-27, he handed over stewardship of the earth to mankind. By the words "let them," God limited His right to legally influence and interfere in the affairs of the earth. This is true because of the extent of God's integrity and commitment to keep His word. God is not limited in what he controls because of a lack of power or sovereignty, but because He chose to limit Himself.
Why is this important? Well, if we don't understand this truth, then we will think that God is in control of whether of not His will comes to pass in our lives rather than recognizing that it is actually up to us. God's will for our lives will only manifest to the extent that we submit, yield, obey and pray. I could write a book on each of these, but for time sake, let's just focus quickly on prayer.
Prayer is actually the process of giving voice to the will of God. It's finding out the will of God for a given situation and then asking Him to do it. This asking or prayer is actually the very thing that gives God the right to intervene on your or someone else's behalf. So what does this mean?
Very simply. No prayer, no victory.
Which brings me to some very exciting news. Starting in February, Schlyce Jimenez Ministries, is launching a telephone intercessory prayer ministry. The idea is that we will connect over the phone once a week to pray corporately. We'll be praying for Schlyce Jimenez Ministries of course but also cover other important prayer topics each week.
The Lord has given us an awesome vision. (To download the SJM vision presentation click here.) So, if you have a heart to pray and would like to be a part of our weekly calls. Please contact Catherine Toon at Our first call will be on February 12th. Here's the dial in information:
SJM Weekly Prayer
Conference Call
12:00 - 1:00 PM (MST)
Dial in #: (218) 339-2626
Access #: 491373
Also, click here to download the calendar for February and see all the exciting events that are happening next month.