10:44 AM

2009 - The Year of Worship

At the beginning of every year, I spend time seeking the Lord for His prophetic word regarding the year and this year is no different.  But I must say I am more excited about what I'm hearing than I have ever been.  Everywhere I turn and everything I'm experiencing is pointing to worship!   Here's what I recently received in my prayer time...

2009 is the year of worship.   I am calling you, my Bride.  Come closer to me.  I desire you.  I want to whisper in your ear.  I want to reveal and manifest myself to  you.  I want to show you love.  I am love.  I am your portion.  I am your reward.  I am your inheritance.  Everything you are, everything you need, and everything you desire are in me. 

One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord (IN HIS PRESENCE) all the days of of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.

For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion;  in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.

And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me; therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord.  - Psalm 26-4-6 (David's Psalm of Confidence)

David understood how to win every battle.  He understood the importance of My presence.  He understood the relationship between worship, my presence and greatness.  He understood that every victory was in Me.   David made spending time in My presence a priority.  David spent time worshipping Me, and therefore, I called him a man after my own heart and made Him great. 

So come Bride.  Come closer.  I want you to experience my kindness and gentleness.  I want you to smell the fragrance of heaven.  I want to show you my glory.  I want you to see your reflection in my face.  I want to shine my goodness on you.  I want you to experience unprecedented favor.  I want to shower you with blessings.  I want to be the most important thing in your life.  I want you to desire me just a fraction of how much I desire you.  I want to be the most real thing to you in the universe. 

I want you to move beyond religion and formulas  into relationship.  I want you to experience oneness.  I want you to experience heaven on earth.  I want to fill you with so much love that you won't be able to stop yourself from smiling and passing it on.    I want to tear down strongholds.  I want to expose the lies of the enemy.  I want to heal your heart.  I want to equip you slay giants.  I want you to know me so well that you will be able to trust me in any and every situation.

In the last days, perilous times shall come.  But for those who have learned to dwell in my presence and worship me, it will be as the days of heaven upon the earth.  Remember, worship brings the atmosphere of heaven on the scene.   

So love and obey me my Bride.  Worship me my Bride.  Set aside time daily to bask in my presence.  The wealth of the wicked will respond.  The gates of hell will open.  The captives will be released.  And heaven will be seen.

