Let me apologize up front for the length of this post. But I've been waiting for the right opportunity to speak on this subject and until today just didn't feel led to do so...
With regards to Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Outpouring, I don't know how many of you followed or knew about the revival that was going on in Lakeland, Florida earlier this year, but it was hailed by many to be the greatest outpouring since Azuza Street and by many others as blasphemy. There were many reports of healing, salvation and even people being raised from the dead, so needless to say it was controversial.
While I didn't actually go to the revival (although I know personally several people that did), I did watch it some on the Internet. I can affirm that the presence of God was very strong in the services, even over the Internet. There were several times that I would weep because of the Holy Spirit's presence as I watched.
Well, the revival ended abruptly a month or so ago when the news that Todd Bently, the unorthodox tattooed leader of the revival, was separating from his wife came out. I followed the press surrounding the revival pretty closely via the Internet while it was going on, and have continued to do so since it's ending. I've read all kinds of things about Todd and his theology, which I agree is questionable in some areas, and I've also followed the leaders comments that stood with him and against him during the revival to find out how they would react.
Honestly, my heart is grieved by most of it as I see the glaring division that exists between brothers and sisters in Christ. But, every once and awhile I come across something that I feel matches the heart of God on the whole situation. Today was one of those days, so I thought I'd pass it along. It's an email that I received from GodTV. Here's the link to it. Let me know what you think: http://www.god.tv/lakeland080925.
As for me, it just serves to confirm in my heart the mission of this ministry. Regardless of what we think about Todd Bentley or the revival, there are hundreds or thousands of lost and hurting people out there that are in need of SERIOUS miracles. That's why they flocked to see Jesus and that's why the revival took off like wild fire. People want and need to experience the power and presence of God! The enemy we are facing is real and still out to kill, steal and destroy. Which is why this ministry will not stop, turn back, or be afraid to preach that Jesus is still in the miracle business and that anyone that believes this is in the perfect position to receive one! I just wish that the Body of Christ would stop fighting each other, pray for Todd and his marriage, and unite against the real enemy!
Until nexttime...
God Bless,