I'm a big dreamer. I believe the words of Jesus..."All things ARE POSSIBLE to them that believe." Therefore, the importance of vision and dreaming what it possible through the power of your imagination is something I'm always thinking and talking about. Whether we realize it or not, God has a very unique and specific purpose for each of us to fulfill in this life. And it's not only bigger than anything we could ever accomplish without Him, but it's also the only thing besides God that will satisfy the deepest longings of our heart. Anyway, one day as I was praying about my life's purpose and vision. Here's what I wrote in my prayer journal. It was based on Habakkuk 2:2 which says "Write the vision and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."
"Write the vision. A written vision is concrete evidence in the natural of something that already exists in the spirit. Writing it down gives your physical eyes the ability to see it. The vision is already fully completed in the spirit. But, writing it down brings a picture of the it before your physical eyes and helps you to focus on it. As you focus on vision, it will begin to materialize right before your eyes. The resources required to make it a reality will become apparent to you and you will be able to begin to run with it. Soon the vision will become more real to you that what currently exists. At that point, nothing can stop it from becoming reality.”
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