9:12 AM

New Website on the Way!

Sorry for the lack of frequency posting on the blog.  But, I have a good excuse...  We've been working hard on building a brand new website that is going to be so awesome!  It will include a brand new blog of course, but also allow us to send people to one website for everything - JESUSshow, Miracle School, the Healing Rooms and the Church.  Wait a second... Did I say church?  Yep!

We're starting a new church in Woodland Park on November 1st called Prayer Mountain!  We're super excited about it and all the other awesome things the Lord has planned for us through the end of the year. 

So stay tuned and check back in a week or so and the new www.schlyce.org site will be live!



6:01 AM

October's Healing Boot Camp is this Saturday!

Register online at http://www.eventbrite.com/event/405125742.


5:10 PM

Words of the Week

Here's the links to the last several Words of the Week:









9:49 AM

The Jesus Show is this Friday!

Check out the new promo - Click here

(Great job Jason!)

6:07 AM

This Week's Word of the Week...

We continue to get awesome feedback from the Word of the Week emails, and this week is no exception.  This week's word is focused on the importance of staying connected to the Lord's presence and voice at all times so that we can successfully walk out His plans for our lives.  Enjoy!


Word of the Week - July 26, 2009


To receive them weekly by email, simply click here to be added to the list.  Previous week's emails can be accessed from our archives below.



9:27 PM

July Healing Boot Camp

Join us at the upcoming Healing Boot Camp to learn how to minister and receive healing. If you or a loved one needs healing, this boot camp is for you!


Saturday - July 11, 2009

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Old Town Guesthouse
115 South 26th St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80906


REGISTER NOW! (Please register even if you are a repeat student.)


During this intensive, one-day Boot Camp you'll be introduced to the bible's approach to healing including accurate bible teaching on how it's always God's will to heal, how every believer has been given the ministry of praying for the sick, and how to practically minister and receive healing.

Instructor, Schlyce Jimenez, has spent years successfully ministering to the sick and training others to do the same. She's seen thousands of healing miracles. The end-times harvest is ripe and God is looking for His Church to rise up. There is not a shortage of lost and hurting people. So whether you're a CEO, a student, or a stay-at-home mom, this is one event you don't want to miss.



· Why it's always God's will to heal

· The truth about Paul's thorn in the flesh

· How to pray for specific illnesses

· The reason why everyone doesn't receive healing



· Student Workbook

· On-site lunch

· Weekly access to the Pike's Peak Prayer and Healing Rooms



9:45 Student Check-in

10:00 Module 1 - Foundation for Healing

12:00 Lunch (Included in Registration Fee)

1:00 Module 2 - God's Power to Heal

2:30 Module 3 - How to Minister to the Sick

*Remember, if you're a repeat student you can attend for free!

8:58 PM

Weekly Word Feedback...

It's always nice to get positive feedback when you're in ministry.  It really encourages you to keep pressing into the deep things of God regardless of the price!  Here's just a few things people are saying about our Weekly Word emails.  I'm so glad they are blessing people! 

"You have No Idea how timely this is. Only God knows what I have been thinking and dealing with today concerning this very matter and He sent me a word when I least expected it. I kept asking God in my heart Are you hearing me? Only God knew that.  I am truly seeking Him as I am believing Him for so many needs and He has answered me by helping my faith in a Word through you.  You are truly and inspiration to me. You Hear God! What A BLESSING THIS EMAIL IS.  PRAISE GOD! and thank you for hearing Him."

"This is confirmation for me…thank you for your obedience to God.  I love this word for today.  God bless you."

"Good morning , Minister Schlyce..your weekly word has helped me so much."

"Powerful words you spoke here...The Lord has blessed you…"

If you've been impacted by the emails or anything we're doing, we'd love to hear from you! Just send us an email at info@sjmi.org or feel free to comment on our blogs at www.schlyce.org or www.jesusshow.org.

10:41 PM

Upcoming Events...

Miracle School
Every Monday from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Old Town Guesthouse

116 S. 26th Street
Colorado Springs, CO

Visitors Welcome


Weekly Corporate Prayer Conference Call
Every Thursday from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. MST
Dial-in Number: (218) 339-2626
Access Code: 491373


Healing Rooms
Every Thursday from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Old Town Guesthouse

116 S. 26th Street
Colorado Springs, CO


The Jesus Show
Friday, June 26th at 7:00 p.m.
Lon Chaney Theatre
221 E. Kiowa Street

Colorado Springs, CO  80903


Healing Boot Camp
Saturday, July 11, 2009 from 10:00 am - 4:00 p.m.
Old Town Guesthouse
116 S. 26th Street
Colorado Springs, CO

Registration Fee: $75 (Suggested Donation)


Contact us at (719) 687-3378 or info@sjmi.org for more information or to register for one of our upcoming events. To download a current ministry calendar, click here.

3:54 PM

Word of the Week - June 14, 2009

Here's the link to this week's Word of the Week...


Word of the Week - 6/14/09


To receive them weekly by email, simply click here to be added to the list.



3:53 PM

Word of the Week - June 7, 2009

Here's the link to our first "word of the week" email: 


Word of the Week - 6/7/09 


If you'd like to receive them weekly by email, simply click here to be added to the list.



9:24 AM

Our New Offices

Praise the Lord!  We've reached another milestone and moved into our own executive office suite!


We decided on a beautiful location in Woodland Park, Colorado which is about 30 minutes up the mountain pass from Colorado Springs and 20 minutes from my house.  It's really a wonderful thing to reach this milestone.  It gives our staff a regular meeting place and provides, Jason Hensley, our Director of Marketing and Media, a place to really hunker down and develop products and our web, television and radio presence.  By the way, Jason is an awesome blessing if you haven't met him yet.  He along with our now 4 other directors are really amazing!  I'll try to nail down everyone for pictures sometime soon so that you can put faces with the team.  We continue to covet your prayers as we press into the all of the wonderful things God has for us to accomplish this year!


Our new physical address is:


Schlyce Jimenez Ministries

509 Scott Avenue, Suite 101

Woodland Park, CO  80863


Our mailing address is still the same:


Schlyce Jimenez Ministries

P.O. Box 12

Cascade, CO  80809


Here's some pics of the outside of the building.  I'll post some of the inside sometime soon...



Here's the outside of the building...Everything in the mountains is rustic!



It's kind of hard to see in this picture, but the mountain in the background is Pike's Peak!

12:02 AM

Word of the Week

Something exciting came out of our staff meeting today.  We've decided to start publishing a "word of the week" email.  It will basically be a short and sweet word from the Lord that we'll send out each week to uplift and encourage people.  If you'd like to subscribe to our email list, click here.  We'll be starting the emails next week so be sure you're signed up!

9:06 PM

Ministry Events for June

Here's the new calendar of events for June.


Please note, we'll be holding a Healing Boot Camp on June 6th at the Old Town Guesthouse and the Healing Rooms are open on Thursdays form 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.  Please note, the Miracle School trip to the International House of Prayer is scheduled for June 11-14, so we won't have a corporate prayer conference call or healing rooms that Thursday.

8:44 PM

A Blank Canvas...

                          Blank Canvas


The other day I was seeking the Lord for wisdom regarding my life and this is what I heard...


"Relinquish self-conceived ideas about what your life should be and completely yield to me.  Allow Me to paint and create your life.  Give me a blank canvas and allow Me to paint My design for your life on it.  I have a tailor made plan and desire for your life and I want the freedom to create it into what I want it to be.  You must continue to seek Me for the blueprint for your life because I am the only one that knows it.  And I alone can build it.  I am the only one that knows the thoughts and the plans that I have for you.  I hold them, I created them, and they belong to Me.  Allow Me to reveal them to You by My Spirit as you continue to spend time in My presence."

10:23 PM

Word from the Jesus Show last Friday...

Come closer

Come closer

Draw nigh unto Me my bride

Enter into our chambers, our secret place


- Your place of peace

- Your place of rest

- Your place of provision

- Your place of healing


Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden

Allow Me to heal every broken place

And bring beauty for ashes

Allow Me to place My hands upon your eyes

And shine My glory into your heart


I am ready willing and able

To do what you call impossible

I change the hearts of men

I make murderers into champions

And turn prostitutes into preachers


Your brokenness is nothing

but an opportunity for Me to glory

So come to Me my bride, come close,

So close that you can feel My breath

It's the breath of life and will make you whole

4:39 PM

Pike's Peak Prayer & Healing Center Now Open!

The Pike's Peak Prayer & Healing Center healing rooms opened last Thursday night at The Old Town Guesthouse!  We had the opportunity to pray for over a dozen people and the presence of God was glorious.  We'll be praying for people every Thursday night from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., so if you or someone you know is in need of prayer or healing, stop by.  We'd love to join our faith with yours.  For more information, please download the flyer here.



9:19 PM

Come Check Out Miracle School

Miracle School is open to any and all visitors. Next week I'll be teaching on signs and wonders. We'll be talking about how easy it is to do the same things that Jesus did and then demonstrate it right in class. So, if you'd like to join us Monday night, feel free. We meet at 6:30 at the Old Town Guesthouse. We'd love to have you!

The 2nd quarter of Miracle School which is focused
on the Holy Spirit starts April 6th.

Q2 Classes Include:

Meet the Holy Spirit
Intimacy with God
Hearing the Voice of God
Dunamis Power
Baptism by Fire
The Fruit of the Spirit
Being Led by the Spirit
The Anointing
Gifts of the Spirit I
Gifts of the Spirit II
Gifts of the Spirit III
Prophetic Prayer and Tongues
The Glory of God


(Includes directions to the Old Town Guesthouse)

10:34 PM

End Times Economics....

Here’s a link to a video from Dr. Larry Bates. He’s an end-times economist that I have heard speak several times. I encourage you to listen to this and to also purchase two books.


Video - http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=larry+bates&hl=en&emb=0#

Books - Money and Wealth in the New Millennium, Norm Franz/The New Economic Disorder, Dr. Larry Bates


Both of these books give the biblical basis of what is going on in our economy as well as predict what is coming. Now is the time to prepare…

12:15 PM


"O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually.  Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord.  Give the Lord no rest until he completes his work, until he makes Jerusalem the pride of the earth." - Isaiah 62: 6-7


As you may know, God has called and anointed me with a ministry of prayer and healing.  For years now I have been seeing the results of answered prayer.  From humble beginnings praying on the streets of Chicago with hurting people, to leading corporate prayer and conducting miracle services where the power of God is in manifestation, I can attest to the fact that there is power in prayer!  Which brings me to some exciting news...


Starting this Thursday, 

Schlyce Jimenez Ministries will be hosting a weekly

"HOUR OF POWER" corporate prayer conference call

from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. (MST)


The purpose of the calls is to unite believers in corporate prayer specifically around topics related to the Body of Christ, the end times harvest of souls, and the manifestation of the Kingdom of God.  The first call on this Thursday will also include an overview of the ministry's vision to unite the Body of Christ through a Global Prayer and Healing Network. 


So if you have a heart to pray and would like to see the Body of Christ rise to its position of authority and power, please join us for an "Hour of Power" this Thursday as follows:


Weekly Corporate Prayer Conference Call

Every Thursday from 12:00 - 1:00 PM (MST)
Dial in #:  (218) 339-2626
Access #:  491373


If you'd like more information or have any questions, please contact my Associate Minister and Director of Prayer, Catherine Toon, at ctoon@sjmi.org.




P.S.  Click here to download the ministry's latest calendar and see all the exciting events that are going on. Also, don't forget to check out the new ministry website at www.schlyce.org.

12:40 PM


Hi everyone!  Things are going gang busters.  Growth is everywhere we turn. 

  • We have 19 students now in Miracle School and the list is growing weekly. 
  • We purchased new recording equipment and the sound quality is just awesome. 
  • January was our biggest month yet financially, so thanks so much to all of our new partners for helping us get this ministry rolling.
  • The anointing is increasing on The Jesus Show.  The Holy Spirit is leading me to really just focus on worship and last week we experienced all kinds of dramatic healings.  People on crutches were running around the theatre.  Holy laughter broke out on several occasions as did joyful spontaneous worship. 
  • We've put a leadership team in place to manage the ministry's continued growth.  Please join me in welcoming the following people to Schlyce Jimenez Ministries
    • Russel Divine, Associate Minister and Director, Global Healing Network
    • Teneya Divine, Director of Public Relations
    • Catherine Toon, Associate Minister and Director, Prayer Ministry
    • Jason Hensley, Director of Marketing and Media
  • The intercessory prayer ministry is getting in place. Weekly corporate prayer conference calls will be staring in February.

And these are just a few of the highlights...  Check out the updated Q1 ministry schedule here for more details of what else we've got going on.

2009 is already shaping up to be an awesome year.  While the world is on focused on cutting back due to the recession, the Kingdom of God just keeps growing!  Check out the updated

9:39 PM

SJM Intercessory Prayer Ministry Launch

How many of you know that God's will for our lives is not automatic. So many people think God can do anything. While it is true that all things are possible with God. We must realize that we have a part to play and that what we do will ultimately determine if it's possible of not. What you may ask? God is in control of everything. Well actually he's not. He delegated control of the earth to men.

When God said, "let them have dominion" in Genesis 1:26-27, he handed over stewardship of the earth to mankind. By the words "let them," God limited His right to legally influence and interfere in the affairs of the earth. This is true because of the extent of God's integrity and commitment to keep His word. God is not limited in what he controls because of a lack of power or sovereignty, but because He chose to limit Himself.

Why is this important? Well, if we don't understand this truth, then we will think that God is in control of whether of not His will comes to pass in our lives rather than recognizing that it is actually up to us. God's will for our lives will only manifest to the extent that we submit, yield, obey and pray. I could write a book on each of these, but for time sake, let's just focus quickly on prayer.

Prayer is actually the process of giving voice to the will of God. It's finding out the will of God for a given situation and then asking Him to do it. This asking or prayer is actually the very thing that gives God the right to intervene on your or someone else's behalf. So what does this mean?

Very simply. No prayer, no victory.

Which brings me to some very exciting news. Starting in February, Schlyce Jimenez Ministries, is launching a telephone intercessory prayer ministry. The idea is that we will connect over the phone once a week to pray corporately. We'll be praying for Schlyce Jimenez Ministries of course but also cover other important prayer topics each week.

The Lord has given us an awesome vision. (To download the SJM vision presentation click here.) So, if you have a heart to pray and would like to be a part of our weekly calls. Please contact Catherine Toon at ctoon@sjmi.org. Our first call will be on February 12th. Here's the dial in information:

SJM Weekly Prayer

Conference Call

12:00 - 1:00 PM (MST)

Dial in #: (218) 339-2626

Access #: 491373

Also, click here to download the calendar for February and see all the exciting events that are happening next month.



11:59 AM

Things are moving...

Since the ministry's start in June of last year, we've been experiencing awesome growth.  48 people went through one of more of our training classes last year, and so far we've already had 32 people attend training in January.  At this rate we'll train over 400 people this year.  Also, praise God, we're growing financially as well.  The ministry continues to operate debt free and in October of last year, the Lord gave us the clear instruction to officially launch the Schlyce Jimenez Ministries partnership program in December.  We did that at an event held at the Old Town Guesthouse, which is a beautiful bed and breakfast, that we want to purchase and convert into a prayer and healing center.  The response so far has been exciting.  We signed up 6 partners in December and are expecting more and more as we continue to get the word out about the vision for the ministry.  Our goal is to have 100 partners in place by the end of the year.  That's only 8 a month which we feel is a very doable goal. 


Speaking of goals, here's short list of some of the things we're working on for 2009:

  1. Establish the prayer ministry and intercessory prayer team (to become a part of our weekly prayer calls email Catherine Toon at ctoon@sjmi.org)
  2. Launch Miracle School in Colorado Springs and by DVD (the Colorado Springs school started in January)
  3. Develop a healing prayer network to train and certify people to pray for the sick and then connect them with people who need healing.  (Monthly Healing Boot Camps to train people to pray for the sick began in January)
  4. Purchase the Old Town Guesthouse and convert it into a prayer and healing center
  5. Start "Praying with Power," a weekly TV, radio and web broadcast that shows people through teaching and demonstration how to pray with power.
  6. Publish my first book
  7. Expand the partnership program


As you can see we've got some awesome things planned.  So please agree with us in prayer that 2009 is a year to shine and that everything that the Lord has planned for this year will be accomplished!




8:23 AM


We'll be meeting at the Lon Chaney Theatre at 7:00 p.m. this week.   We had an extremely successful healing boot camp earlier in the month and many of the students will be bringing their loved ones and friends that are need of healing.  We've been seeing some dramatic healings lately, so I'm really excited to see what the Lord has planned for us!

Hope to see you there!

11:48 PM

Redesigning the Blog...

Hi everyone!

As you can see, we in the process of redesigning the blog.  We're really excited about the changes coming.  We're planning on uploading audio teachings, videos and lots of other great stuff.  So stay tuned and let us know what you think!

9:10 AM


Father, your word says "supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior".

So Lord, we lift up our new president, Barack Obama, today as he is inaugurated in Washington DC and pray that You will grant him the wisdom that is necessary to lead this country in the ways of righteousness during the next four years. We pray that the eyes of his understanding would be enlightened, that he would function by revelation, and that your grace would rest upon him mightily each and every day to empower and enable him to make Spirit led decisions.

Father, we decree that he hears the voice of the Good Shepherd and that the voice of a stranger he will not follow. We declare that he is strong and courageous. He will not bow down to the influence of the enemy or the fear of man. He will not be deceived by the schemes, strategies or wiles of the devil.

The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord, so Lord we declare that you are giving President Obama the desires of Your heart and that He is yielding to your will. Father, we thank you that President Obama is operating in a spirit of unity that flows from heaven and that as a result the country is united. We pray Father that President Obama and his entire administration will operate in the fear of the Lord. We pray Father for dreams, visions and prophetic utterances to be poured upon each of them so that they will clearly know Your will.

Father, we pray that President Obama will run to you as a shield and fortress during times of stress and pressure. We pray that his relationship with you will grow stronger each and every day and that he is strengthened with might in his inner man. Now, in the name of Jesus, Satan we bind you and forbid you to operate against our new President. We take authority over the spirits of deception, blindness and pride. We declare that President Obama is free to exercise sound wisdom and Godly discretion in every matter.

In Jesus Name, AMEN!

10:44 AM

2009 - The Year of Worship

At the beginning of every year, I spend time seeking the Lord for His prophetic word regarding the year and this year is no different.  But I must say I am more excited about what I'm hearing than I have ever been.  Everywhere I turn and everything I'm experiencing is pointing to worship!   Here's what I recently received in my prayer time...

2009 is the year of worship.   I am calling you, my Bride.  Come closer to me.  I desire you.  I want to whisper in your ear.  I want to reveal and manifest myself to  you.  I want to show you love.  I am love.  I am your portion.  I am your reward.  I am your inheritance.  Everything you are, everything you need, and everything you desire are in me. 

One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord (IN HIS PRESENCE) all the days of of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.

For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion;  in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.

And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me; therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord.  - Psalm 26-4-6 (David's Psalm of Confidence)

David understood how to win every battle.  He understood the importance of My presence.  He understood the relationship between worship, my presence and greatness.  He understood that every victory was in Me.   David made spending time in My presence a priority.  David spent time worshipping Me, and therefore, I called him a man after my own heart and made Him great. 

So come Bride.  Come closer.  I want you to experience my kindness and gentleness.  I want you to smell the fragrance of heaven.  I want to show you my glory.  I want you to see your reflection in my face.  I want to shine my goodness on you.  I want you to experience unprecedented favor.  I want to shower you with blessings.  I want to be the most important thing in your life.  I want you to desire me just a fraction of how much I desire you.  I want to be the most real thing to you in the universe. 

I want you to move beyond religion and formulas  into relationship.  I want you to experience oneness.  I want you to experience heaven on earth.  I want to fill you with so much love that you won't be able to stop yourself from smiling and passing it on.    I want to tear down strongholds.  I want to expose the lies of the enemy.  I want to heal your heart.  I want to equip you slay giants.  I want you to know me so well that you will be able to trust me in any and every situation.

In the last days, perilous times shall come.  But for those who have learned to dwell in my presence and worship me, it will be as the days of heaven upon the earth.  Remember, worship brings the atmosphere of heaven on the scene.   

So love and obey me my Bride.  Worship me my Bride.  Set aside time daily to bask in my presence.  The wealth of the wicked will respond.  The gates of hell will open.  The captives will be released.  And heaven will be seen.



10:58 AM

Miracle School by DVD?!?

 Miracle Scool By DVD We kicked off Miracle School last night with a bang!  You could actually feel the excitement in the air.  It was awesome to see the room filled with people that are hungry for more of God. 

But guess what?  If you can't join us here in Colorado  Springs, you don't have to miss out.  Miracle School can now be taken by correspondence via DVDs.  You can attend the school right along with us remotely.  If you are interested, please contact us at (719) 687-3378 or info@sjmi.org.  We'll send you a registration form and  then package and send you DVDs of each week's class along with the course handbook and teaching outlines.

It's going to be a miraculous year!  So pray about attending Miracle School remotely.  I guarantee that it will radically change your walk with God!


Schlyce Jimenez

2:39 PM

happy new year everyone!!!

My gosh, I can't believe that I haven't posted in almost a month.  Bad, bad, bad!!!  December just flew by...  The holidays were especially busy for us this year.  In addition to our regular Christmas activities, we were also planning our Christmas benefit on the 20th, which by the way, was a huge success, and then getting ready to go to California to spend Christmas with Brian's family.  We just got back yesterday (New Year's Eve) and so really today is my first day to actually sit down and catch my breath.  Here's a couple of fun pics from our trip...


 Here's the tree at Brian's parents, there were tons of presents...


We were cracking up at how Brian's parents got us all the "same thing!"


We took Lily to Knott's Berry farm... So much fun!!!


This is Lily on one of the rides, she looks good as a "trucker" don't you think?

What a year 2008 has been.  God has been so good to us.  As I sit here and reflect today, I'm just amazed at His faithfulness and love.  As we head into 2009, I know it's going to be our best year yet.  That may seem weird to some, given all of the things going on in the world.  But not to me. 

I spent New Year's Eve a little different this year.  After putting Lily to bed and making sure Brian was all settled in, I decided to take some time just to sit quietly before the Lord.  I was reflecting on Jeremiah 29:11.  God has prepared a good year for us.  He's got even greater things for us to accomplish.  He isn't limited by man.  He isn't limited by the economy.  He's only limited by what we believe.

So I'm choosing to believe God for more in 2009.  He's ready, willing and able to do the exceedingly abundantly above...

Check out the Amplified version of Ephesians 4:20:

Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayer, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]

God is not limited.  He's able to do through us superabundantly, far over and above ALL THAT WE DARE TO DREAM!!!

So I don't know about you, but I'm ready to DREAM BIG in 2009 and believe that God meant what he said.

